Joshua Davis Joshua Davis

Overhead Overhaul.

It all begins with an idea.

Overhead Mobility Blog for CrossFit Open: Reduce Injury Risk and Maximize Performance

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to improving overhead mobility for the CrossFit Open! Whether you're a seasoned athlete or new to the sport, optimizing your overhead mobility is crucial for both injury prevention and performance enhancement. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of overhead mobility in CrossFit, common limitations, effective mobility drills, and practical tips to integrate into your training routine.

Importance of Overhead Mobility in CrossFit

In CrossFit, various movements such as overhead presses, snatches, thrusters, and handstand push-ups require excellent overhead mobility. Limited mobility in the shoulders, thoracic spine, and wrists can not only hinder your performance but also increase the risk of injuries, such as shoulder impingement, rotator cuff strains, and wrist strains.

Common Limitations

Before diving into the mobility drills, let's identify some common limitations that may affect your overhead mobility:

  1. Tight Shoulders (internal rotation): Restricted shoulder mobility is often caused by tightness in the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, including the deltoids, pectoralis major/minor, and rotator cuff muscles.

  2. Thoracic Spine Stiffness: Limited thoracic spine mobility can restrict your ability to achieve proper overhead positioning, leading to compensations in other areas such as the lower back and shoulders.

  3. Poor Scapular Muscle and Rotator Cuff Strength: Can lead to poor or incomplete mechanics and shoulder impingement (pain in front of the shoulder) due to moving in these patterns often without the proper form.

Effective Mobility Drills

***click on name of exercise for video demonstration***

2-4 Rounds of Each:

1. A Frame Toe Touches

  • Start in plank position.

  • Keeping your arms straight, push hand forward and butt up.

  • Touch opposite toe with some rotation.

  • Perform 6-8 reps per side.

2. Child’s Pose x Thread the Needle

  • Start in “all fours position.”

  • Walk hands forward, then sit back on heels, then walk hands to each side x3 reps.

  • Reach hand under ribs then rotate away x5 reps.

  • Perform for 3-5 reps per side.

3. Lat/Internal Rotation Inhibition

  • Anchor a heavy band at forehead level on rig.

  • Place arm inside band and hand resting on band (like video).

  • Drive elbow forward and squeeze lat for x10 sec, let band win by allowing elbow to travel overhead.

  • Perform for 3 reps of 10 sec holds.

4. Ring/TRX Face Pulls

  • Stand upright while holding rings, lean back with body inline and hands out front.

  • Reach forward, then retract shoulder blades prior to pulling hand to ears.

  • Hold for 2 seconds at top, perform 6-8 reps.

Practical Tips for Training

  1. Consistency is Key: Incorporate mobility drills into your warm-up routine before every CrossFit session to gradually improve your overhead mobility over time.

  2. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during mobility drills. If you experience sharp pain, stop the exercise immediately and consult with a healthcare professional.

  3. Address Mobility Restrictions: Work with a coach or mobility specialist to identify specific mobility restrictions and develop a targeted mobility program tailored to your needs.

  4. Recovery and Maintenance: Implement recovery strategies such as foam rolling, stretching, and massage therapy to prevent muscle tightness and maintain optimal mobility.


Optimizing overhead mobility is essential for CrossFit athletes to reduce the risk of injury and maximize performance during the CrossFit Open and beyond. By incorporating effective mobility drills and practical training tips into your routine, you can enhance your mobility, movement quality, and overall athletic performance. Remember to prioritize consistency, listen to your body, and seek professional guidance when needed to achieve your mobility goals.

Stay mobile, stay strong, and crush your CrossFit goals!


Here is an example workout:

Start a timer for 9 minutes. 

- EMOM style (every minute is one exercise then straight to the next for the following minute and so on.)

- Minute 1: x10-12/arm for Cpt Morgan Pull Aparts 

- Minute 2: x6-12 reps/arm reps for Single DB Arm Row 

- Minute 3: x6-12 reps/arm for Half Kneeling Overhead Press 

*Repeat for 9 total minute or 3 rounds without rest between!


Check Out this video from our podcast with CrossFit Arcane on ways to STAY ACTIVE! 


Not only will these activities help you stay active, but they will also create lasting memories with your loved ones. Plus, exercising together can provide motivation and accountability for everyone involved.

Stay Strong My Friends! 👊


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