Obtain data.

Make it count.

Data Drives Performance.

  • The gold standard for cardiovascular health, performance, and longevity.

    Check out the FAQs below!


  • Here at Tri Star, we focus on the entire athlete. Not just rehab. Not Just performance. We treat like we train.

    With that in mind, we have the cutting-edge technology to make intelligent and intentional decisions regarding your rehab and training.

    Some of the technology includes:

    • VALD ForceDecks - force plates testing to find pur strength outputs, power outputs with jump testing, balance outcomes, find side to side asymmetries post-op (ACLers we are looking at you!), and track performance markers over time to ensure progress.

    • VALD Dynamo - handheld dymometry is the gold standard for isolated muscle strength measurements. Gone are the days of your PT saying “hold your arm out and don’t let me move it…” That gives us ZERO information but here, we get the strengthen Newtons (trackable data points).

    • VBT (velocity-based training) - track bar speed to find precise loading parameters to ensure injury risk is low and gains are HIGH.


  • VO2 max testing is a method used to measure the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during exercise. Historically, this test has been used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to determine their aerobic capacity and is a key indicator of overall fitness level.

    It is the gold standard of cardiovascular healthan longevity.

  • During a VO2 max test, the individual will exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike (we use an assault bike) while wearing a mask that measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide that is inhaled and exhaled.

    The intensity of the exercise is gradually increased until the individual reaches their maximum exertion level.

  • On average a complete test will take between 10 and 20 minutes to perform. The length of time will vary based on fitness level and will take longer for a more fit person.

  • There are several benefits to undergoing a VO 2  max test. A VO 2 max test provides valuable information about an individual’s cardiovascular fitness and can help determine optimal exercise intensity levels.

    Additionally, VO2 max testing and re-testing can be used to monitor an athlete’s progress over time.

    By measuring changes in that person’s aerobic and anaerobic capacity, they or their strength coach, Physical Therapist (from Tri Star of course..), or medical practitioner can adjust their training programs accordingly in order to help them achieve their performance and health goals.

  • A VO2 max test also provides additional useful information about the way your body tolerates exercise such as maximal heart rate, training zones, and calorie burn.

    The test will also break down the percentage of carbohydrate vs. fat usage in each zone of training to help you design workouts to meet your specific goals.

    This information is invaluable for allowing you to tailor your nutrition planning, workouts, and recovery.